Next Free Teaching Dates

18th December 2023. 4pm to 5pm UK Time

15th January 2024.4pm to 5pm. UK Time 

What is FRCR Mindset Webinar?

This is an opportunity to help trainees improve their understanding of the viva component of the 2B Exam by preparing cases with model answers and taking it in turns to undergo a viva. The faculty will check the cases and provide you with feedback prior to the mock session.

How is this Different To Other FRCR Webinars?

For presenting delegates, the aim is to improve your understanding of the exam. By asking you to stop, think, analyse and go out of your comfort zone to collect cases and prepare model answers it gets you thinking in the style of the exam.

Non Presenting Delegates

The discussions provide you with a friendly opportunity to observe cases and improve your understanding of the Viva component of the FRCR 2B Exam. It is completely free.


On Zoom. The code gets sent five to ten minutes before the start on the telegram and whatsapp amaradiology groups. Below is the link for the telegram group to join.


With thanks

Dr Amdad Ahmed. Consultant Radiologist.