WHY AMA Radiology
58% Of Global Candidates Sitting The FRCR 2B FAIL The Exam. 40% Of UK Candidates Sitting The FRCR 2B FAIL The Exam.Many Candidates Fail The FRCR 2B Exam Due To INADEQUATE EXAM TECHNIQUE Or Due To INSUFFICIENT KNOWLEDGE Of What Is Required To Pass The Exam.
Our Aim Is To Support The Development Of Good Exam Technique And Understanding On How To Pass The FRCR 2B Exam.
Over Ten Years Of Involvement On FRCR 2B Courses.
Experience At Teaching Over 2000 Candidates Across Mock Exams, Courses, Lectures and Webinars.
Delegates Welcomed from UK and Northern Ireland, South Africa, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Qatar, Doha, Oman, Dubai, India, Pakistan, Malaysia And Hong Kong On FRCR 2B Courses.
Experience At Teaching Over 2000 Candidates Across Mock Exams, Courses, Lectures and Webinars.
Delegates Welcomed from UK and Northern Ireland, South Africa, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Qatar, Doha, Oman, Dubai, India, Pakistan, Malaysia And Hong Kong On FRCR 2B Courses.
The most amount of teaching I have received on a FRCR 2B Course. Dr Aparajita Mehta.
Impressive collection of barium cases covering a lot of pathology in a short amount of time. Very good revision. Dr Syed Khan.
Dr Amdad impressed upon me the disciplined assessment of films. I still remember his first advice and luckily I got that case in the exam. Dr Abhijit Vaipul
Best FRCR Course I have done. Very focused attention to detail on getting exam technique right. Dr Venkatesh Sharma.
Impressive collection of barium cases covering a lot of pathology in a short amount of time. Very good revision. Dr Syed Khan.
Dr Amdad impressed upon me the disciplined assessment of films. I still remember his first advice and luckily I got that case in the exam. Dr Abhijit Vaipul
Best FRCR Course I have done. Very focused attention to detail on getting exam technique right. Dr Venkatesh Sharma.
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